How to SOD on a MAC [Parallels]


Dalayan Pious Diety
Welcome friends,

My name is Deein and I just recently went on a trip where I needed to play everquest and my laptop is a MAC. Follow these short yet amazing directions on how to play Shards of Dalaya on your MAC.

*First of all you will need a MAC computer

**Secondly you will need a program called

**( Parallels will basically allow you to install windows virtual machine without the lag of using a normal virtual machine )

*** After you install Parallels install Windows 7, 8 or whatever you have

**** Once you have windows installed you will want to download the windows version of Everquest Titanium (or buy, or download the downloader from the Everquest live website -

***** Once you have the game downloaded and installed (on your windows partition that parallels creates) you will want to run the Shards of Dalaya patcher located here (

****** Once Parallels, Windows, Everquest, and have run the Shards of dalaya patcher welcome :)

NOTE: Parallels is a >>> PAID <<< program. There are ways around this using some websites with pirates and bays. You will be required to download another program called littlesnitch if you plan on getting the program from our good pirate friends.

NOTE X 2: Littlesnitch will be required from our pirate friends because what this program does is limits connections from programs. So basically you stop all "pirate" programs from calling home essentially giving you the program forever

Note X 3: If you have any questions just send me a PM.
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