This guide is based off of a guide that was first written by Xardon, and later updated by lynnetelll.
For those that have issues installing, do not reply to this thread, create a new thread.
Hopefully this guide will help people who got stuck with figuring out the new patcher's options.
Patcher Options:
"the game" Directory - Put your "the game" install path here.
Repatch All - Tells the patcher to check all of the SoD files and make sure they are correct.
Use EQW - Tells the patcher to run EQW to put SoD in a window.
Run after Patch - Tells the patcher to run SoD after patching.
Bind Affinity to Procesor - Runs SoD on a single processor, use if you have a dual-core or a quad-core processor.
View Log - Use this if you have issues with the patcher and need to post to get help.
For those that have issues installing, do not reply to this thread, create a new thread.
Hopefully this guide will help people who got stuck with figuring out the new patcher's options.
- Insert your installation CD with "the game" Titanium or better. Follow the on screen instructions to install.
- Obtain the SoD Patcher from this page. Save the patcher to a path of your choice. In my case, I chose to put them under "SoD Patcher" in My Documents. You should have one application called "sodpatcher.exe".
- Run the patcher. If you run Vista or Windows 7, it will ask you to access your computer. Click allow. This is necessary because the patcher needs access to your installation directory.
- You will see the SoD Patcher pop up and look like this. Change the "the game" Directory to where you installed "the game" (the default location is C:\Program Files\****\everquest).
- Keep the default settings checked, and check "Bind Affinity to Processor:" if you use a dual-core or quad-core processor. Click Patch and Run.
- If you checked Use EQW, another window will pop up. It will ask you to locate your "the game" executable. Go to your installation directory, and choose eqgame.exe from the list ("the game".exe will not work). Click Start "the game".
- After the patcher runs, you should see the EULA displayed in-game. Go through the configuration, checking settings you want, and enjoy.
Patcher Options:
"the game" Directory - Put your "the game" install path here.
Repatch All - Tells the patcher to check all of the SoD files and make sure they are correct.
Use EQW - Tells the patcher to run EQW to put SoD in a window.
Run after Patch - Tells the patcher to run SoD after patching.
Bind Affinity to Procesor - Runs SoD on a single processor, use if you have a dual-core or a quad-core processor.
View Log - Use this if you have issues with the patcher and need to post to get help.
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