How to create an account so you can play Winter's Roar!


Staff Emeritus
EDIT: Use instead.

Okay, a lot of people obviously doesn't get this, so I'll make a guide.

1) You go to and click the register button. Fill in the things with * and click register.

2) Check your email and you should have gotten an email with a link to activate your account - click it.

3) Log in to your account at When logged in, click the profile button to get your profile info. There is a "Login Server Activation Key", write it down, or copy it or something.

4) Goto and make an account. The login name DOES NOT have to be the same as on the forum, and neither does the password. The email is the one you registered your account with and the activation key is the one you found in number 3. When done filling out this click create account.

Congratulations, you now have an account and are able to login to WR, if you have used WRpatcher that is.
I get bad username/pass. I followed the instructions on the "Join WR" page before I came here, so I made an account that way. Then I went to the address and made an account there.

Neither one works.

My eqhost file looks like the 2nd one posted above, but I still get bad username/pass. I have no idea what the "patchme" process is. How do I get this to work?
im kind of a newbie :)
i am able to join the WR server, but as soon as i log in with my char, i get stunned.

Red text says something about me being kicked in 60sec. and that i must read the WR webpage

any help plz?
I don't know why everyone keeps refferring to the "guide" when it doesnt solve the problem most people have had. I've read the rules and I have an active account at eqemu... I've used it to log onto other servers just fine. Yet I STILL get the stunned message when trying winters roar.

If someone would be so kind as to explain that to me, I'm all ears, or eyes or whatever.
I think it's very frustrating that the only response given anywhere to this problem is "you havent read the rules" and nothing further... Perhaps someone could point out specifically what I supposedly have not read.

I'm being told by the game i have no active account when i know i do, because it works for other servers listed at eqemu, i dont see any variation for this site listed in those rules only that you need an active eqemu account, which i do activated code and all.

You must know all the rules by heart. Not having read the rules is not an excuse for breaking them, which is why it's required that people read them. This discussion ends here though. Either you're willing to spend ten minuts reading the rules, or you do not wish to play on Winter's Roar.
Maybe this is closer to the problem

I've followed everything to the T... but after registering, confirming and then checking the profile there is no account key. please let me know what step i have missed that this didn't show up OR is there an issue with the forum profile itself?
Did you register on the eqemulator forum? Because my "Login Server Activation Key: *" is still there.

I'll take a look at it later, right now I have school.
No server login key

I'm not sure why, but after signing up on the forums, and checking my profile, my server login key is blank, theres nothing there. Am i missing something?
As far as I can rember Shirodan, There is no more server login key. The system changed.

Follow the Install as directed HERE less the writing down or needing of a server login key.

If having isssues after the one and only EQ patch try HERE

Please correct if I am missing anything.

I remember there was a bit of a pain to get it all going and a bunch of searching in the fourms.
ok, that worked for me!

cynn thanks for that, you rock! My problem was i thought i was Reading the "rules" lol and i was i think reading a old post. im new to all of this, please excuse my peverbial "noobness"...
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