Hotkeys gone after name change...


Dalayan Beginner
Hi :D

Evidently 'Hobgood' is a name violation and it had to be changed. Once I changed the name so I would stop getting booted my hotkeys poofed and I can't figure out how to get them back. Stuff like round kick, tiger claw, etc. hot keys only showed up when I trained them for the first time. And now I can't figure out how to make new ones. Any suggestions?

The reason they poofed is because the UI Files (such as your hotkeys) are stored locally based on your character's name. By changing your name, you create a new file for the character. The old file should still be stored locally in your everquest folder. The path to my character files is...

\Program Files\Everquest\

The name of your file and UI Settings will be CharacterName_ and UI_CharacterName_

If you change the name of the first file to match your new character name - that should take care of bringing back your macros and hotkeys. The UI file is just for positioning of your different windows as they were on the original name.
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