Holy Cow! - A Dream come true?


Dalayan Beginner
Howdy doody all

Well, like some of the other posts I've read, I just "happened" upon this site by accident (looking for server stats actually) and even though I haven't started to play yet, I have to say, I am excited.

I thought for a while about coming back to EQ but was hesitant for several reasons.

I started playing back when Kunark came out (what was that...2000?) and played on Xegony for years off and on (circa four-five years). But as more and more expansions came out (primarily Luclin) I noticed more and more power leveling, and twinking and I found it most distasteful.

Also with the Bazarr opening up, and websites with people selling Game Plat for Real Money, it seemed that anyone and everyone could simply buy anything they wanted (clothing, weapons, etc) , and long gone were the days of questing, tradeskills, and groups helping each other out with mob drops.

Also long gone was my joy of grouping and camping mobs for hours at a time. Everyone had moved on to the planes or to zones in expansions that I never knew anything about.

Example - If I were to take my teen-age Druid or Necro to West Commons to camp Orcs or Gypos, or go to Oasis and hunt crocs - or Camp out ant the Orc Highway....no one would be there to group with.

SO.... (and maybe/hopefully I can get some feedback on this from anyone here) ....I am hoping that some of the "old-school" ethics and game-play are welocmed, and even encouraged in SoD.

I am also hoping (primarily) to find groups to hunt/quest with...and hopefully do so in some of the old zones I am familiar with.

But the intro part or this website seems to indicate that the Mobs and Zones are totally different from what I am used to.

Am I reading this correctly?

As well - what are the factions like, or do they apply at all?

If I take my Dark Elf to Freeport, will my blue ass get whacked by the guards?

And what about guilds - considering there is only one server, I am very curious as to how many people play, HOW they play, and how do Guilds operate, and are the prevelant in SoD?

And lastly, I still have my old EQ discs.

So - I install the game, get all the patches...then what?

I don't create an account with SOE do I?

How do I log into SoD?

I'm sure this has been answered somewhere else, forgive me I am too excited to read through ALL the forum posts - plese don't hate me

So that's me.

I'm not sure what race/char I will create.

If there is a steady group or guild out there that would like some help in hunting/questing then I would consider creating a char (or two) based on what might be needed and/or helpful

I hope to log in soon and when I do, and create my Chars, I will post anew and let everyone know who/what I "am"

Looking forward to correspondence from some of you, and some good playing time


Jaek (pronounced Jake - FYI)
Jaekriel said:
But the intro part or this website seems to indicate that the Mobs and Zones are totally different from what I am used to.

Am I reading this correctly?

As well - what are the factions like, or do they apply at all?

If I take my Dark Elf to Freeport, will my blue ass get whacked by the guards?

And what about guilds - considering there is only one server, I am very curious as to how many people play, HOW they play, and how do Guilds operate, and are the prevelant in SoD?

And lastly, I still have my old Game discs.

So - I install the game, get all the patches...then what?

I don't create an account with the Company do I?

How do I log into SoD?

I'm not sure what race/char I will create.

If there is a steady group or guild out there that would like some help in hunting/questing then I would consider creating a char (or two) based on what might be needed and/or helpful

The city factions are set up differently than on Live, the only standard city that is KOS to anyone at creation is Grobb, as long as you aren't evil or slaughter citizens you should be good to go most other places.

There are a lot of guilds on the server, some that raid constantly, some that are more for people who just want to hang out and group or level or trade. When you first make a character you'll start out in the Dalaya's Beginner's guild, which is a great place to learn about the basics of the game before moving on.

Once you have patched to Live up to GoD, just run the sod patcher and play. You'll need to create an account through the SoD front page, but you won't need a Live account for anything.

Go ahead and play what you want, most classes have at least some solo potential if you have trouble finding groups, and the combination of quest and tradeskill XP options means you don't have to kill mobs nonstop to level your character. I would say that when forming a group the easiest thing to find is DPS, and the hardest is good CC or a solid tank.

Zones will look familiar, but you'll find their lore radically different. Kaladim is haunted by the ghosts of slaughtered dwarves, Freeport and Highkeep are full of skeletons and nasty mobs, some other zones follow suit.
I would say that when forming a group the easiest thing to find is DPS, and the hardest is good CC or a solid tank

What is DPS and CC please?

Jaekriel said:
I would say that when forming a group the easiest thing to find is DPS, and the hardest is good CC or a solid tank

What is DPS and CC please?


DPS would be all the damage dealing classes that are out there, primarily Wizard, Necro, mage (caster damage) and rogue, ranger, monk (melee damage).

CC is crowd control, namely Enchanters, bards and necromancers.
Ahhh thanx for the explaintion

I was thinking of Druid (because it's an easy class to start and I know it so well), maybe a Necro (because they are cool...and they are great for soloing) or a Bard.. because they are a great utility class for groups

Any thoughts on those?

Jaekriel said:
Ahhh thanx for the explaintion

I was thinking of Druid (because it's an easy class to start and I know it so well), maybe a Necro (because they are cool...and they are great for soloing) or a Bard.. because they are a great utility class for groups

Any thoughts on those?


People could write pages about those issues and what makes certain classes better then others.

My advise - create one of each and just play them up to level 10 or 15 as it won't take too long. Best way to figure out if you like the class or not.
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