

Dalayan Beginner
Hiyo people, I'm new to this whole Shards of Dalaya thing, but not new to EQ. While I wasn't a heavy user, I played a lot during the (arguably) "Golden Years" some 6 or 7 years ago, or whenever Luclin was just coming out and **** didn't have enough servers to keep up with demand.

I got the itch a couple years ago and ordered a copy of Titanium, only to be disgustingly disappointed with the product at the time (and presumably the current product as well); everyone was maxed out at lvl 70, , everything high level, absolutely NO way to get into the game from scratch. Needless to say...I was kind of sad. I remember when they started offering free 30 day trials (and if they, ****, always offered 30 day trials, then I remember when I became aware that they offered 30 day trials) and breezing through it with the influx of new people joining up, ****'s last ditch effort to get EQ some support before EQII came out. Good times, until my 30 days were up at least.

But from what I saw 2 years ago, classic EQ is dead. And while it seems SoD won't harken back to the days of a spamfilled East Commons (for various reasons, one being that EC is no longer EC apparently), at least it seems to have some spirit!

So anyways, when I played, I played a Bard, and thought I was pretty good at it too. I only got my highest character to 54 before I completely burned out (56k connection, hell level, and eyes burning from late nights massacring frogloks in Sebilis, a nasty combination of boredom and physical pain). But I was off and on for a couple years after "officially' quitting, mostly playing monks.

So while I'm still riding the high of a new EQ experience, before the inevitable longing for the good ol' days and frustration and sadness that it will never be again, just though I'd stop by to say hello!
Howdy, and welcome. There's definitely plenty of frustration in your future! But hopefully, you'll enjoy every minute of it. Keep at it and have a great time. Remember we're all noobs here when we start out. Not a lot of help I can offer, but if you need anything, if I can't answer it, I can probably find someone who can.

See you in game!
Haha, thanks for the welcome, and looks like SoD will be humbling me with some of the changes from regular EQ! I'll have to get used to the different bard system, gonna miss twisting though...

If I may ask though, is there anything that warranted the change to bards? Or just something to shake things up?
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Yeah, I remember that. But I'll also miss the constant action!

But when I think about it, it's really not THAT bad, I mean 2 beneficial songs versus 4, just gotta be more strategic about it.
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