

Dalayan Beginner
I just found you guys. I still have a lot to read. Would love to read how this got started and why. In-game I am trying to two-box a Paladin and Druid (Notpit). So far I have found the game very enjoyable and the people nice. Frankly, all the warnings about being banned are a little oppressive, but I guess you guys have a reason for it. For the record, if I accidentally use "plz" instead of writing out the word it is just habit and not intended as disrespect. Thanks for putting the server together. I also appreciate the veterans in the newbie guild. Very polite and helpful.
welcome to the world of SoD. hope you enjoy your self with use all any question you can give me a haller and i do my dest to help anser them. your hason the warrior :dance:
Welcome to SoD =) I wouldn't worry to much about the ban warnings unless your intent is negative, ignore the rules or are actively trying to find exploits etc you shouldn't have a problem here.

The staff are helpful and friendly if you're thoughful and friendly to them follow the chain of authority, and make use of the forums and player knowledge and you'll find they'll go out of their way to help players and fix bugs along the way. There is much much more support available here, if you approach it with respect for the people behind the title.
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