

Dalayan Beginner
Hiya. :) Disregard my name; it's only my online identity. :p I'm not really insane. That aside, my name is Julia and this server looks really fun- I look forward to playing on it. I have some questions but I'll hold off on those for now. :psyduck:

I'll read the rules and understood them completely. You can count on me to obey them. I've played many different games and the rules were pretty much the same.. so I'm accustomed to them already.

Questions.. I only have a few. I promise!

1.) Which version of Everquest do I need to download/buy to play on this server? ^_^;; I have the the Game II Classic(Basic the Game II. No expansion or bonuses included.) but I'm not sure if that will help..

Okay. So I only had one. Sue me. :toot:
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