High Trader Dreina in Everfrost not answering hails


Misser of Due Dates
I am pretty close to the end of the Silver Crown quest line, and after doing the Othmir faction quest for Dreina, I left her alone till I was Sergeant. I later collected the quality parts and brought them to her. At this point, she stopped answering hails. I tested one of the meats for turn in and it worked fine, so turned them all in and got faction messages. However, she will not answer any hails now (does answer hails from two different GM characters). All I want to do is check whether my faction is good enough to get promoted. Just wanted to let someone know so those in the future hopefully won't have this issue.

As an update, the High Trader Bendrick in Newport is also not answering hails. I'm assuming that something happened during one of my quest turn ins that has messed up my faction or my ability to talk to SC people. Pretty frustrating since I know I've got to be close to finishing it up, but can't check.
I am also having the exact same issue. Please let us know if this is broken so we can move on till it is fixed. Or tell us that we are doing something wrong so we can try on our end. Thanks.
Figured it out with some help from Gunder. If you do the text prompts (I want to advance in rank), etc, they reply like normal and all the turnins work. However, something bugs them so that they no longer respond to hails at some point.
Rrowrr said:
I tried this yesterday (8 April 2008). The High Traders still do not respond to my hails.

What's your character's name? I'll have to check your flags.
Thinkmeats said:
What's your character's name? I'll have to check your flags.

Hey, rather that distract you further, I decided to try Dreina in EF one more time and she talks to me again, and I got my High Trader pips. But Bendrick in Newport still won't talk to me. Maybe he's not supposed to.
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