High Price of Knowledge - NPC won't repop


Dalayan Beginner
Hi, I'm on the High Price of Knowledge, a Jayla Deity quest, and I'm on the following part:

I've turned in 20 worms droped off miel C undead frogs to Nia, on Oggok, and she sent me to find "the carcass of the undead creature that attacked us". She explains that this creature killed a paladin on the coastline of Sundered Mountains.

I went to Sundered Mountains with a couple of friends, got to the beach and got an emote that sent "chills down my spine" or something. Mob appeared, we killed it but he didnt drop anything, no quest loot, nothing.

I figured that it was probably becouse I didnt engage him 1st or something, problem is he wont show up again. I tried talking to Nia again on Oggok to see if it was a fight triggered by talking to her, and even waited a few days to try again, but the undead doesnt show up... I've walked up and down the beach several times and nothing... Nothing on track either... I've tried petitioning but no luck finding a GM online so far. What should I do?

Character name is Zharg 65 druid.
Cyzaine, I still havent heard from you about this and I went to the beach again and the NPC didnt pop, so I'm guessing you havent had time or forgot to fix it, still waiting ;)
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