Hiatus for Lilliana Heartbloom!


Dalayan Beginner
Recently I have no desire to play. Not just to group but to raid, log in, etc. Outside of a few people i rarely talk to on IRC (Zaela, Felyn, Yuki, Ikaa, and a couple others i can't remember at this moment), the game is dull. I'm putting it down for awhile. Real life is proving to be more interesting to me.

Sorry guys but i'd rather put the game down before i have no desire to ever come back. Not quitting the game, just taking a break. I may log in randomly for a Guild raid so you may see my pop up and i doubt i'll let someone bot Lilliana, so look forward to random bursts of bardyness!

XOXO to you all!

~ Lilliana Heartbloom
Will miss ya babe. Don't know who could ever replace my Lilli. Glad we can still talk on IRC though ^.~ *hugs*
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