Hi :)


Dalayan Beginner
Well hello there!

I'm actually a returning player from the times before this server was Shards...Some of the "older" players will recognize and remember me. I'm returning from a long disapearance.... Hey guys its Jacinda.

Returning to play on my WoW raiding off days for the time being, and coming to play with my BF Elindrel... lol weird MMO love triangles. <3

To those of you I don't know I hope to get to re-know the community, and relearn the new lay out, cause it looks like Wizzy made a lot of changes. I may be starting a new character just to re-learn how to play.

I look forwarding to catching up with some of you, and getting to know the rest. I can say its gonna be fun being back. :lol:

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