
Hey there,

I have never seen that error. Do you get to the server select screen or is this when you try to put in your login information?

Are you patching with our official patcher?
Possibly need more ram in the pc.
or you can try updating your graphics driver along with your chipset driver(s)
ok got that fixed got in to the game lastnight an played when I loged in this morning for some reason I cant get it to run in full screen an I got no sound lol.
Be sure to click off EQWindows in the patcher if you want to play full screen. Check your sound options by pressing alt-o in game.
ok I got it to run full screen but still had no sound so I reinstalled everything loged in an had sound loged off lastnight an this morning sound was gone again.
check the eqclient.ini file in the install folder.

look in there for a line like this

and simply change it to TRUE


What fixed it for you? So the next person that comes traveling through here can try the same thing.
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