

Dalayan Beginner
Hi everyone, I'm new.
I'm patching SoD right now and am very excited to get started.
I played EQ2 up to level 90 but really want to get a taste of what the original EQ was like (even though SoD is a somewhat altered version).
If anyone would like to start a character with me or give me some pointers feel free to do so.
Ill put my character's name in this post once i create it.

Nice meeting you all, and see you in game!
Hi everyone, I'm new.
I'm patching SoD right now and am very excited to get started.
I played EQ2 up to level 90 but really want to get a taste of what the original EQ was like (even though SoD is a somewhat altered version).
If anyone would like to start a character with me or give me some pointers feel free to do so.
Ill put my character's name in this post once i create it.

Nice meeting you all, and see you in game!

Do yourself a huge favor and make a 2nd account. Looking up Kurig, I see hes a warrior. Never played one, no idea to help you there, but for your 2nd account (aka so you box) id suggest a druid (heals, ports, ds, minor buffs). Shaman are also very good buffers and healers (lack the porting).
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