

Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone! If I ever get the game to work, I will be logging in and starting a Cleric. I have been feeming for a game like EQ for quite some time. I am uninstalling EQ TItanium for rhe 2nd time and resinstalling it, I must be missing something on the instructions on how to get this game to work.

Maybe I will see you all soon!
There seems to be two different instructions on how to install this game.

The first is on the website:
In order to play Shards of Dalaya, you need an ********* expansion pack with expansions going up to Gates of Discord minimum.

List of compatible ********* expansion packs (with Amazon links)
*********: Titanium (MINIMUM)
*********: Anniversary Edition

Install the expansion pack of your choice, then download our Map Pack and unzip it into your ********* folder.
Please note that with one of these packs there is no need to patch ********* using the game's normal patcher. Simply proceed with step 2.

Step 2 of 2: Registration

Go to the registration page and create an account.
Download the Shards of Dalaya Patcher and unzip it to any folder. The patcher also requires the .NET framework, so if that's not already installed, go get it here.
Familiarize yourself with the rules by reading them here, this step contains vital information.
Run the Shards of Dalaya patcher program (sodpatcher.exe) and direct it to your EQ folder. Click the Patch and Run button.
Login with the account you created in step 1, and have fun.
When you start the game, you will find yourself in a strange dream. To complete the dream, you must speak to the NPCs inside of it. Use the 'Hail' key to initiate conversation. Make sure you go into Options (Alt-O) and move the "Clip Plane" slider under "Display" to 100% before you attempt to proceed in The Dream.

The second is on the wiki:
Install using any ********* CD to configure your computer. The Titanium Edition is highly recommended. Install any expansions you may have to shorten your download time. Don't forget to change your path to c:\Program Files\EQ-SoD (although you really don't have to.)
Create a folder in c:\Program Files called EQ-SoD if it doesn't already exist and copy the above *********.exe to that directory.
Execute *********.exe and allow initial patching to complete. Once it starts scanning for files click cancel, then advanced, then check all expansions up to and including Lost Dungeons, Save, then Download.
Note: It can take days to download/patch the entire game.

Once your patching is complete, close the patcher. Browse to C:\Program Files\EQ-SOD, delete the maps folder and all contents, then extract the Sod Mapsto (http://www.shardsofdalaya.com/patcher/Maps.zip) C:\Program Files\EQ-SOD (should create new maps folder.)
Patching up to Shards of Dalaya. Extract the SoD Patcher (http://www.shardsofdalaya.com/patcher/Release.zip) to C:\Program Files\EQ-SOD and execute the patcher.

I never get to the option where the patcher is supposed to run so I can hit cancel. Any help? Im sure you get this a lot.

First of all, don't link the torrent. Second of all you need titanium now. Or rather all the expansions included in it. Their patcher no longer works without a live account. Once you get the entire game installed, then you go and run the sodpatcher.

Third of all tech support is the proper place for such an inquiry.
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Thanks for the reply. I didnt mean to link the torrent, didnt know it was in there. I do have titanium.

Sorry and thanks!
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