

Dalayan Beginner
Hi guys I m new to everquest. I have played WOW before but later it got boring so i wanna try everquest out.
Re: Umm...

You should buy it.

Hey chuckleberries, as the rules explicitly state, we do not condone downloading the game for free, and do not permit any discussion or linking to any free downloads. If you want to discuss how to attain the game here, then discuss how to pick up a cheap copy of Titanium - it's no more than $10 or so these days, and that's not much for a one-time cost.

This may surprise you, but we do appreciate the efforts of those that coded the clientside software we make use of, and we would like to see it properly paid for since the whole purpose of the "free download" is to pay the kind of monthly cost we do not charge.

That said, we're not going to go on a witchhunt or start asking people for CD keys, but at the very least if you're going to pirate, keep it off our forums.

Ya thats true I dont trust internet sites I will try to look for it in some game store and one more thing wat about the updates
One more thing

I have never played everquest in my life so after I but the titanium version can u list all the expansions i need.
titanium ncludes all the expansions yo need, after you purchase and install it you just run the sod patcher over the top of it
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