

Dalayan Beginner
Hey everybody. I was bored the other day, and somehow ended up here, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

I played EQ:OA on ps2 (EQ junior, I guess) to death, and just never really got sucked in to another MMO. Probably because most of the crap out now is potion-pounding solo grinding, and I was just so used to being in groups.

Learning the good tanks from those who couldn't hold aggro, which bards and chanters could keep my mana full, knowing if the healers and casters at a given raid knew how to stay out of the AoE, and who could survive it if they slipped up. Thats what I liked about that game all those years ago, and what I hope to find again here.

So, being that this is quite different (much more complex) than what I used to play, I'm sure I'll be a total noob for quite some time. I'll probably royally screw up a character or 2 with retarded stat placement, and ask plenty of stupid questions.

How's the class situation? Is there overcrowding in a particular archtype, or a certain class lacking players?
Welcome to the server! :)

voxitage said:
How's the class situation? Is there overcrowding in a particular archtype, or a certain class lacking players?

If you browse through the Classes/Gear forum you will see these questions discussed a multitude of times. I think ultimately it evens out, and simply boils down to what you'd enjoy playing. :)
Jay said it best...play what you like. Every character can find a home in some group/guild if they so choose.
kukov said:
Jay said it best...play what you like. Every character can find a home in some group/guild if they so choose.
Yeah, just don't make multiple shamans... people who do that suck!

Welcome to the server =P
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