my little brother who got me into the original EQ told me about this free server i never knew it exsisted. i have been off live forquite a while now, what are the major differences between the gameplay there and the gameplay here? to be more specific are the controls the same, you know H for hailing, r for returning tells stuff like that. and also i read the rules and the name things make alot of sense but i had one question if my name was Daeddun would that name be ok, yes i know a GM would hafta answer that but i added it on the chance that one of them read this posting ok well i hope to see ya all in the game, and if that name does pass the test of the GM's it will most likely be the name i use. TTFN
There's a database of the current characters you can look up through here.
Welcome to SoD. Alt O will pull up the control panel where you can adjust the in game controls and adjust them as you like. They are the same to the best of my memory.
To answer your questions about game hotkeys/controls and interface etc, yes they are similar to live, however the gameplay itself is very different. Zones are connected/named differently. They are filled with different mobs and quests. The lore is completely different (thank God! my favorite part I may add). As for the name Daeddun, it looks like a fine name to me. :shrug: But, I have been known to be the nice GM.