hi y'all just found this site


Dalayan Beginner
my little brother who got me into the original EQ told me about this free server i never knew it exsisted. i have been off live forquite a while now, what are the major differences between the gameplay there and the gameplay here? to be more specific are the controls the same, you know H for hailing, r for returning tells stuff like that. and also i read the rules and the name things make alot of sense but i had one question if my name was Daeddun would that name be ok, yes i know a GM would hafta answer that but i added it on the chance that one of them read this posting :) ok well i hope to see ya all in the game, and if that name does pass the test of the GM's it will most likely be the name i use. TTFN
Welcome! :)

To answer your questions about game hotkeys/controls and interface etc, yes they are similar to live, however the gameplay itself is very different. Zones are connected/named differently. They are filled with different mobs and quests. The lore is completely different (thank God! my favorite part I may add). As for the name Daeddun, it looks like a fine name to me. :shrug: But, I have been known to be the nice GM. :p
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