Hello everyone. I'm still installing the game core atm, but I'm very excited in playing here in SOD. I'm an old "game" player, played on live for almost 5 years. Hated the direction things took on live thou. I got fed up and left. I played various toons, level 75 Necro, level 75 magician, level 60 cleric, and a level 60 SK. I will probably be playing a cleric, as I do love grouping. I truely hope this is an active community as it seems. I really do not want to box all the time as it's boring, just like playing a nec can be at later levels. I'm friendly and outgoing, and love a good challenge. Hope to meet nice people that are like minded and love to "group up and go". See ya in game soon I hope. I'll update with my ingame name asap. Take care and see ya there