Hi there, Old EQ Player!


Dalayan Beginner
Hi there, I use to play Everquest in highschool almost a decade ago on the server Morell Thule! I started when it came out and got as far as the 3rd expansion, a few months before the release of the fourth. Had a good time but went to college and now I want some of that nostalga I guess heh. Any recommendations of what character to play? I was a warrior but I am now thinking of a cleric or enchanter. Any help would be appreciated! See you in game.
Re: Hi there, Old Game Player!

both clerics and enchanters are "in-demand". so if that's your question, no difference. if you're more like "which is more fun"? i'd say enchanter is probably more fun to lvl, but both are kinda boring on raids, so you could play both and decide later!
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