Hi, long time player, first time SOD users.


Dalayan Beginner
It's been years since I last played EQ, but I am really exited about getting started. At this time my head is spinning, I can’t wait to start leveling I just have no clue what pair to start with.

I did some search on your web site and it seems that so many pairs are great…

Here are some of my thoughts in somewhat of a preference order






*can you tell I like mage, but I got the feeling they are a weak class 1-60 correct me if am wrong. I love the Idea behind having a PET that can own lower lvl instance in the future.

I know I’ll be alone for most of my lower level life, as most of you are 60+, what do you think will level the fastest to end game?
Welcome to SoD. :)

dreadit said:
can you tell I like mage, but I got the feeling they are a weak class 1-60 correct me if am wrong. I love the Idea behind having a PET that can own lower lvl instance in the future.

I personally thought my mage was overpowered low and mid levels. *shrug* It's all a matter of opinion and class preference to be honest.
I think you'll find all those combinations will work. I also don't feel mages (or anyone really) are particularly weak 1-60; after all mages have pets for every situation.

If you haven't been directed to it yet, the wiki will prove invaluable during your stay here, particularly leveling up the first time. This is as good a start point as any, particularly if you like mages http://angrygamer.net/sodwiki/index.php?title=Magician_Guide

Good luck!
I would you say you really have it backwards: mage pets are pretty awesome at lower levels, it's at 60+ that mages start to fall behind other classes.

That said mages are still a decent class and a raid will want one for summoned items as well as their dps.

Playing two characters will definitely speed things up, if you are able to play them together while looking for groups you will get much more XP. I recommend that one of your two characters be a healing class, you will find your capabilities much less limited if you do. Choosing which is a personal choice, though I would really just advise you pick whatever you want to play the most, all three priest classes in SoD are pretty powerful.

Some have their advantages over others depending on what you pair them with though, for example I would recommend a druid with a beastlord over a shaman because beastlords have their own versions of most of shaman buffs, youll be far more self sufficient that way. In general I would say that a shaman pairs better with a melee box while a druid goes better with a caster one, while a cleric has the best healing power but the least side benefits in terms of buffs or debuffs, but again, the MOST important thing is that you will want to play them and will enjoy it.
Interesting, I had never considered a mage/healer

With/sham he can buff pet and debuff mob and let pet tank…

With /druid he can ensnare and reverse kite with druid dots + pet with mage nukes…

Both get SOW, but druid will get group ports which is always nice. But sham get some of the best buffs/debuffs… but I guess I wont need any if I can reverse kite mobs with druid… hmm well I got a few hours before I’ll be home so I’ll have time to continue to go nuts thinking about it.
JayelleNephilim said:
With the implementation of Mansion of Portals ports aren't really as big a deal as they used to be.

I’ll have to figure all that out, since the last time I played EQ Planes of power was the latest expansion and I was working on getting my (keys?)..
Wow, Do I feel stupid, I figured it was a clone this morning the farthest I got was to charter create screen. I did not get around to logging in, now am even more excited about playing the game. Originally I was drawn to his because I was my missing EQ but did not want to pay to try it again, but considered this is similarly am sure I’ll enjoy playing and learning a whole new game.

Thanks for the great links..

and am happy i read "Things to keep in mind"
I always struggle when it comes to starting a new game, and I really wanted to try mage/mage but I thought a Druid would be a safe bet for reverse kiting while pet with taunt off pounds and mage nukes occasionally

Then I chose human/human mainly because I don’t know the world yet and they would be easy to run to each other. Plus I understand the get exp bonus!!

But now am thinking I can delete and rewdo mage mage, this will drive me crazy that is for sure.

Can a Mage/mage be successful in higher end dungeons?
no, ryutakin is dumb. Mages are cool but I really don't think that boxing two of them is the best way to go, and this is coming from someone who used to two-box mages along with two others who did the same, before the 3-man class hardcap went in. It was fun, but when you get to a 65 xp zone youre going to need a relic pet with buffs to be able to tank much of anything at all, and even then I seriously think you will have trouble healing it with a mage.

The biggest weakness mages have is that their pet heal is on a 30-second recast, having a class that can toss some heals at your pet will be a lot more useful than a backup mage, imo.
hehe ok, well I know the druid will not be the best heal class, but I figured I could kite with him even at the higher lvls, and hopefully not take any dmg.
I never played live, but from what I hear druids have received a buff re:healing as compared to there. They are excellent at kiting as well, they can snare, dot and nuke starting very early.
Druid healing is definitely superior than it was on Live. Granted, at low levels, looking at spells, may not seem as much, but considering the focus effects you can get from level 5 (quest item) on up, you'll find they are *much* more proficient healers than on Live.

And I was a healing druid on live. :p
lynnettell said:
Druid healing is definitely superior than it was on Live. Granted, at low levels, looking at spells, may not seem as much, but considering the focus effects you can get from level 5 (quest item) on up, you'll find they are *much* more proficient healers than on Live.

And I was a healing druid on live. :p

Agree 100% i spec'd my live druid out for healing and rockd worlds at the job. Druids here on SoD blow live verson out of the water.
If you plan on sticking around for a while I would go Mage/Cleric since like every guild and their brother is looking for clerics. However its all personal opinion.
Well, my mage/druid dinged level 6 last night, I need to take time now and start to figure out what quest are important to do.

I can already tell that my plan to reverse kite with druid snare + dots and mage pet nukes maybe little tricky. I’ll need to come up with some really good hotkey macros.

Since healing seems so good I’ll probably go the less stressful rout of tank and spank with druid healing and CCing with roots as needed.

As for the Cleric suggestion, do they offer more that just the best heals/hp buffs, I mean do they have other utilities.
Do not under any circumstances skip the Magician newbie quest line in Newport. Get to the Magician's guild there and start them now! Skip work if you have too. Seriously, those caster quests are probably some of the most fun and funny quests you will find in any MMO period. If you do your early quest lines (check Mistwoods for some trivial ones at your level) you will not have to worry about gear leveling up, the quests are actually worth doing for a newbie.

Clerics don't really have that much in utility outside of heals and buffs. They are decent melee DPS at the highest end with yaulp and their hammer, but personally speaking I'd stick with the druid for the convenience of sow and ports. Thats just me though.
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