Hi I'm new!


Dalayan Beginner
OK, not really.. but hi anyway!

So I just wrapped up finals for the year, and if there's one thing I've been craving, it's some quality MMORPG time. What better place for that than SOD? So I come and take a look at the website and... like... woah. New styles and backgrounds and PLANES, oh my!

So anyway, I thought I'd get set up to start playing again, and I thought I'd say hi and let folks know. I'll be playing fairly casually, but my ultimate goal I guess is just getting a character up to high enough level to go train Jose/Hasrett wherever he happens to be :cool:

I doubt I'll be on until the weekend what with wrapping stuff up at school and getting the files all downloaded and set up, but I'm pretty excited to see what kinda new content has gone in =)

Is there a summary anywhere of changes made since, oh, say, January '06? Or do I get to go news archive diving?
omg hay guyz! lol =P

P.S. if any staff happen to stumble across this thread before I bug you directly, is there any chance of either reactivating Hasritt's account minus the GM status or else moving Hasritt off of it? The account was deactivated when I quit, but it had one of my two mains on it. I'll send an e-mail following the account transfer protocol eventually... first I need to dig up the account name, though.
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