Hi, I'm new here


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone, I just registered here and hope to straighten out installation soon and hope to log in a dwarf pally real soon. Hoping to meet other regular players. I have been playing EQ since Velious, but am looking for a different type of community now and a more old school experience. Hope to meet you all in Norrath real soon.

Hengest Whitgilsson

Paladin of Brell
Welcome Hengest. I also am a former Paladin of Brell and for a time was even a member of Champions of Brell on 7th Hammer.

Be sure to read about the differences between Live and SOD. For one thing there is no Brell here *gasp*. The entire deity and faction system is all very different. Paladins also play a very different role here. Also, much like Live, Paladins require much Plat luvin' to gear them up at level 65.
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