Hi Guys


Dalayan Beginner
Hey there,

I am thinking about starting back up with SoD here shortly. I have a 14 druid but I don't know if I want to be a healer anymore. I played live for quite some time as a main druid and could heal as good as any cleric in raids. I found out druids can't really keep up with clerics on heals on this server.

SOOOO....I am only looking to play one character. I tried the two boxing thing but i'd rather just make one character strong and not have to worry about controlling two. I want to try a melee dps class. Any suggestions?

I'm a grad student just want a good class I can lvl up and join a raiding guild

Hi and welcome back,

IMO bard may be what you are looking for. It can be a casually played class, you are able to solo mindboggling well (if you don't mind running in circles). Groups are always happy to see you. You get a dizzying amount of utility AND you get to melee DPS.
can i kite multiple mobs more than just 3 or does the ae damage stick to the 3 mob rule??
awesome. I've been learning to kite a little bit but still havn't managed to get a full set to drop. I have been pulling 4-5 cats in west badlands for the Mark of Skald quest but I only can get them down to about 35% before i start getting reckless and die heh. Guess i need to concentrate more. It's a hard balance to run in the oval and keep hitting them.

My bard is only 11 right now maybe i should just group for a bit until i get my next ae song at 18? I also am trying to do the mastercraft instruments quest.
The instrument quest is definitely worth spending time on. The instruments she gives you will double the effect of your spells while equiped. So you'll kill the kitees twice as fast.

What I did was get the MC lute from that quest, and put the Skald aug in it that gives cha to help decrease the resists (you can remove and repalce this aug as you see fit and it won't poof). Sing Selo's Accelerando and Hymn of Restoration (effect doubled with MC lute) - sing Chords of Dissonance (also doubled by MC lute).

You can do this indefinitely - the only downtime you will need, once you get the hang of it, is when you physically/mentally need a break (it is exhausting). Once you get to 12, you'll get a DD song.

I would twist the DD and the DoT. You can also practice instrument switching, but that admittedly adds a bit more difficulty to the kite.

There are two great bard guides on the wiki:
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