Hey there,
I am thinking about starting back up with SoD here shortly. I have a 14 druid but I don't know if I want to be a healer anymore. I played live for quite some time as a main druid and could heal as good as any cleric in raids. I found out druids can't really keep up with clerics on heals on this server.
SOOOO....I am only looking to play one character. I tried the two boxing thing but i'd rather just make one character strong and not have to worry about controlling two. I want to try a melee dps class. Any suggestions?
I'm a grad student just want a good class I can lvl up and join a raiding guild
I am thinking about starting back up with SoD here shortly. I have a 14 druid but I don't know if I want to be a healer anymore. I played live for quite some time as a main druid and could heal as good as any cleric in raids. I found out druids can't really keep up with clerics on heals on this server.
SOOOO....I am only looking to play one character. I tried the two boxing thing but i'd rather just make one character strong and not have to worry about controlling two. I want to try a melee dps class. Any suggestions?
I'm a grad student just want a good class I can lvl up and join a raiding guild