Hi everyone


Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone. I am a long time (Dec 1999) EQ player. Quit retail about 2 years ago and started playing wow. Quit wow after about a year and been dorking around F2P games and recently have been playing on free wow servers.

I really miss EQ a bunch. I never felt playing wow how I did when I played EQ. Only reason I stoped playing EQ was to donate more time to family and focus on getting a degree. Well, being active duty Navy, I am about to execute a 2 year tour to Japan without my family:dumbsad:

This of course means that whole donating time to family is out the window ;)

So as my torrent is busy downloading everything, I thought I would stop in and say hi and get a feel of the good peeps here on the SoD server.

No idea what I am going to play in game but probably a monk...because monks kick serious HINEY!
Welcome to SoD~

You will enjoy it here. Before choosing a class, make sure to browse the forums and check out the Wiki dedicated to SoD (player made). This should help educate yourself with what is in store for your future!

Good luck to ya!
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