hi! & doubtful


Dalayan Beginner
Goodnight, game from Spain, and once i've played EQ, now want to go back, but that character is not me, they do not look anything but the question that arises is between mag, shm, wiz or nec.
So i would like to give me some advice or anything to know which one use. tyvm.
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necro = easiest out of these 4 classes
-feign death
-best dots
-life taps

wizard = ports
-best nukes in game
-low level, straight nuking
-low/mid, root + nuke
-mid/high, snare + nuke

shaman = you will get sick of buffing everyone and everything always forever
-lots of variety in spells, very useful
-best slows in game

magician = NO 100% root. shaman, wiz, nec all have a root, magicians only have their earth pet which might possibly root
-essentially the strongest pets, and better situational pets
-best rain spells in the game
Bienvenidos Amigo!

Todo depende en lo que quieres hacer. De verdad CLERIC es la mejore clase en el juego. Todo el mundo necesita un CLERIC y si pienas hacer "raids" todo los "guilds" necesitan mas de ellos.

Pero, al final del dia juega lo que te gusta mas. Si necesitas alguna ayuda dejame saber, casi siempre estoy jugando Kandi o Diashan.
Bienvenidos Amigo!

Todo depende en lo que quieres hacer. De verdad CLERIC es la mejore clase en el juego. Todo el mundo necesita un CLERIC y si pienas hacer "raids" todo los "guilds" necesitan mas de ellos.

Pero, al final del dia juega lo que te gusta mas. Si necesitas alguna ayuda dejame saber, casi siempre estoy jugando Kandi o Diashan.

Pero, yo soy una perra.
I noticed that on the server you can play with two characters at once, which I do like 2 to go up at the same time.
I noticed that on the server you can play with two characters at once, which I do like 2 to go up at the same time.

Playing a healer + tank is the most common and most straightforward, but really Druid + most anything is a good starting choice (you get the best Heal over Time (HoT) spells, you get ports, you get a fantastic damage shield, run speed, etc etc)
Having a druid as your first-ish toon is always amazing...(you have no idea how much easier this makes the main quest)
necro = easiest out of these 4 classes
-feign death
-best dots
-life taps

wizard = ports
-best nukes in game
-low level, straight nuking
-low/mid, root + nuke
-mid/high, snare + nuke

shaman = you will get sick of buffing everyone and everything always forever
-lots of variety in spells, very useful
-best slows in game

magician = NO 100% root. shaman, wiz, nec all have a root, magicians only have their earth pet which might possibly root
-essentially the strongest pets, and better situational pets
-best rain spells in the game

From someone who mains a mage:

- Magicians get root. It's called "Earthsplit", and it's a level 61 spell. You don't tend to use it much since pet would be tanking anyway - unless you are fighting somewhere where you need to crowd control.
- Beastlord pets have more hit points, stronger DD proc, and have defensive stances as well as defensive AAs.
- Mage pets do have a bit more variety, in that until you get a relic, water pet can slow, air pet can stun etc, although you would tend to have one kind of pet you prefer over the others and use that anyway. This was countered at one point when in a certain patch mages elemental form AAs got revamped, and added additional attributes to the pet (such as group heals on water, snare on earth etc.) allowing the mage to mix the elementals with elemental forms for some very useful results in order to adapt to a lot of situations. Since then though, beastlords have been given pretty much the same boost - whereas they could have their pet proc a group heal (seemingly stronger than the mages'), and additional DD for dps - equivalent to the fire form nuke without the added DS. Basically all I'm saying is, mages pets are not the 'strongest pets' as they are outdone by beastlord pets.
- Mages do get best rains.
- Mages get DS - second hardest hitting in game (druids hurts more) - but it does give fire resists.
- Mages summon gems for caster that use them. They can also summon a bunch of other stuff - like reasonably alright pet weapons etc. Nothing as sought after as the ones on live, but they do help.
- Also summon little things for players - rod / aug / etc. that help.
From someone who mains a mage:

- Magicians get root. It's called "Earthsplit", and it's a level 61 spell. You don't tend to use it much since pet would be tanking anyway - unless you are fighting somewhere where you need to crowd control.
- Beastlord pets have more hit points, stronger DD proc, and have defensive stances as well as defensive AAs.
- Mage pets do have a bit more variety, in that until you get a relic, water pet can slow, air pet can stun etc, although you would tend to have one kind of pet you prefer over the others and use that anyway. This was countered at one point when in a certain patch mages elemental form AAs got revamped, and added additional attributes to the pet (such as group heals on water, snare on earth etc.) allowing the mage to mix the elementals with elemental forms for some very useful results in order to adapt to a lot of situations. Since then though, beastlords have been given pretty much the same boost - whereas they could have their pet proc a group heal (seemingly stronger than the mages'), and additional DD for dps - equivalent to the fire form nuke without the added DS. Basically all I'm saying is, mages pets are not the 'strongest pets' as they are outdone by beastlord pets.
- Mages do get best rains.
- Mages get DS - second hardest hitting in game (druids hurts more) - but it does give fire resists.
- Mages summon gems for caster that use them. They can also summon a bunch of other stuff - like reasonably alright pet weapons etc. Nothing as sought after as the ones on live, but they do help.
- Also summon little things for players - rod / aug / etc. that help.

i kind of skimmed over your post, i think you are looking at magicians from a 65+ perspective while i was looking at the leveling up factor. either way, looks like he chose *not* to play a magician =P also i was trying not to write a wall of text
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