Hi Dalayians!


Dalayan Beginner
Greetings all,

I am a former EQ player of about 9 years; I stumbled on to your world by chance and was amazed at how great it was! In Norrath I was a paladin of 85 seasons and it was my greatest pleasure to bring divine judgment down upon any and all undead abominations. From the decaying skeletons of the newbie yards, to Mayong Mistmoore, the Darkness, all have fallen before my righteous anger and the holy fire of my blade.

Here in Dalaya I plan to begin my campaign anew. I have started a new paladin, Dawgrin, in the city of Newport and already many of the decaying undead plaguing the fair city have fallen. I look forward to meeting all of you, and helping you with your quests, as I am sure you are eager to help with mine.

Thank you to all who have already helped me so much, and to the people who keep this world running smoothly and provide content to fuel our habits. Good hunting and see you in Dalaya!

-Dawgrin - 6 Paladin
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