Hi. Anything i should know?


Dalayan Beginner
Hi.. i just started playing this week, only briefly before the servers went down.
Any advice for a monk in training?.. i noticed this world is quite different from others.. i'm very excited to go exploring.
If only they'd let us play!
Welcome to the server! If I played a monk I'd be happy to give you some advice, but alas I do not (my guild thanks me too :p).
Welcome to SoD. The changes here are awesome, have fun exploring :) Make sure you talk to npc's along the way and start the main quest with the mysterious summons, that is a gold mine of info on the server's history.
Hook you up Kynd? what was on your mind rofl.

I think she meant look her up =P~ Zurash probably wouldn't appreciate hooking her up :censored:
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