Hi all, new here.. a problem...


Dalayan Beginner
The Winter's Roar Patcher has been stuck on Downloading file sseru_chr.txt... for about an hour.
Is this normal, or has someone seen this before? I did a search adn didnt find much pertaining to this kind of problem
Thanks for your help.
OK, I fixed that problem. Now I jsut get a 1001 when trying to log in.
"Login request added to que....Please wait..."
Then error 1001

I couldn't tell by othe rposts, does updating from live currently break WR?
If it does, thats my problem, prolly. I dunno.
From what I read at EQEmu, they say "DO NOT PATCH - Latest EQ Patch Breaks EQEmulator."... Unless of course this is something entirely different...
So far I'm mightily impressed with what has been done here.
I freeze up zoning or dying about 80% of the time, but it's likely something on my side, possibly some files from the new sony update screwing wit things. Occasionally have trouble logging in, too.
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