Hi all =) Всем привет!


I don't know of any Russian players. But if you can type and read english, you should have no problem.
oooo! wtf! Vistachiri, i didnt know you were a Comrade? wtf? whered you pick up on Ze Ruski Speak?

Long story short, good friend of the family adopted a little girl from the ukraine, basically they're kind of like family, so I generally refer to her as my niece. When she came over she knew about the sum total of zero english, necessitating teaching. My verbal scores are somewhere from the 93-99th percentile (depends if we're talking sat or gre), so needless to say I was helpful.

Also grabbed some practice about 4 years ago when I was living in florida, the father of the girl I was dating used to be a russian translator, and we got along pretty well. But it's literally been years, doubt I could keep up in conversation much anymore.

In any case, I'm not russian, I've just led a long and interesting (and sometimes horrifying) life.
привет, привет :)
Фениксы - русская гильдия?
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привет, привет :)
Фениксы - русская гильдия?

Negative, not just russian, they're a bunch of euro's.

or, and keep in mind my cyrillic is fairly poor, so this might sound like a five-year old...

Финикс, Повышающийся => Много европейских игроков, не только русский.
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Вот ето да... я честно говоря приятно удивлён количеством Русских людей здесь :)
Финикс, Повышающийся => Много европейских игроков, не только русский.

hahahah, thats beautiful man, just beautiful. Восходящий Феникс или Возрождающийся Феникс would have been a lil more accurate, but yours was more funkeh. good to hear that someone appreciates the sexyness of rusky speak instead of just bashing russia for being the axis of drunken evil all the time:)
When I am not in Iraq, I am usually In Rostov, sometimes I go visit my family in Odessa & Nikolaev
new here

hello, im here cause i miss EQ so bad :D
- do i have to have the original game? cant i just get it somewhere on the web?
You can purchase it online like on e-bay. If you are talking about just dowloading it without paying the company that owns the copyright, it is against the rules to ask for it or to provide information on it.

Wiz and the devs believe in intellectual property and respect the copyright of the software.
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