

Dalayan Beginner
Just wanted to say hello.  I played the live version of that game for about 4 years off and on.  My (now ex) wife and I used to 3 box each, so we were our own group towards the end there.  I'll have to see if I can find pics of our old gaming room.  It was sorta fun I have to admit.

I'm re-learning the game again.  No way I can two box at this point...which I know is the limit here.  I'm still trying to remember how to make hotkeys, so I'm almost a newbie all over again.

For now I have a troll shaman named Shub and an iksar necromancer Cesspool.  I have a friend that may join in the near future as well.  I already sent her links telling her she should come play on the server. 

Looking forward to playing again!  See you guys online.
welcome to SoD, make yourself at home, it'll come back to you fast right about the time you bang your head against the keyboard for snaring instead of sowing yourself for the first time,,,again.

Haha Griz...oh I don't even want to think about how many times I did that with my necro years ago.  :D

But on a good note I finally remembered how to make hot keys!  Now if I could just get my brain to kick in and remember the format...  :D

Thanks Griz and Hason.  Hopefully I'll see you in game soon.  Take care!
Shub or Cesspool
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