

Dalayan Beginner
Heya guys. Im not too sure if ne one remembers me but, I used to Play a Pally named Sparro and a Ranger Kenga. Im comin back and playn full time some time after Saturday. I have to order Titanium offline b/c no one around here has it. If ne one in Amicii remembers me i think im still in the guild. Thats what fomelo says atleast. Its bein a year alot as happened i got married and i have a baby on the way and, the ol lady wants to play this game (She loves Oblivion). I will see you guys in the game.
God luck with the baby and welcome back to SoD! Get all the time in you can before that baby pops out, might be difficult to get much time unless the ol' lady doesn't want your help with it hehe.
Gratz on the baby!

I remember Kenga but not Sparro. But then I am old and senile so that is no terrible surprise.

You need to pop in the Amicii forums and say hi. We can also talk about raid availability. Too many snoopy ears here.


I am sure you are still in the guild. I am still playing Notpit and Jilguror. Send a /tell when you are in game.
Wb Sparro! OFC I remmeber you going back to Beyond days.
Grats on the marriage, impending birth, and wisdom to pick a woman that is a gamer! I'll see ya in game, drop a line to Eev from whatever alt you've made to run with your wife.
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