Heya im new ='(


Dalayan Beginner
Hey, im tr4vluk3.. i used to play live mostly on vazeaele or however its spelled and i played a little bit on tallon zek though not too much on there, i played anarchy online for a few years too, i now must say that i hate funcom =-/
ill be in-game under a toon named felinor.. or pelinor... most of my names end in elinor, though ellinor is some1 different =D
send me some luvin in-game :D long as i enjoy the server and the differences made by wiz and the dev's and people dont mind my randomness i may stay on this server for a while =) all seems great so far tho i will miss the bazaar =-/
one question though, is that undead mansion place in existance here? estate of unrest i think its called? the mid level one with that dwarf boss at the end
The estate of Unrest is called Shrouded Island, and it is off of the old Tox Forest zone (now called Mistwoods). It doesn't have the dwarf ghost at the end but it has lots of undead baddies. Hope to see you on!
wtb wiz putting in dwarf ghost just for me =) wut do ya think wiz? lawlz disapointing tho that was my favorite dungeon
Mine too. Was my home for my wood elf druid for MANY levels on live. I plan on fooling around in SoD's version of Unrest for a while just to see what happens.
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