Heya <3


Dalayan Beginner
Awesome server! Finally got on forums.

Current Chars:

29 Enc - Terity
30 Brd - Listrina

Found out server from a friend. :keke:​
robopirateninja said:
do you twobox those? ench/bard sounds hella weird

Haha yeah. I know. My brother plays a SK / CLR so it kinda did it according to that.

They are fun to play together!
Half your face is missing but that's cool

Once you realize shapeshift you'll main the enchanter forever :toot:

Welcome to SoD
NyteElf said:
Awesome server! Finally got on forums.

Current Chars:

29 Enc - Terity
30 Brd - Listrina

Found out server from a friend. :keke:​

Combo sounds interesting, I'd try it, ngl

Welcome to SoD :)
hey dont pick on her for a weird combo :hmph:
there are no right or wrong ones....

i have a monk/bst combo :keke:

welcome to sod!
Ashleigh666 said:
hey dont pick on her for a weird combo :hmph:
there are no right or wrong ones....

i have a monk/bst combo :keke:

welcome to sod!

If I was gonna pick on her it would be for being a girl. Girls don't play SoD.
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