Hey there


Dalayan Beginner
Hey all,

I've been playing SoD for maybe Two weeks now and wanted to introduce myself and say "Hi". Before this I had played WoW from when it came out up until a year and a half ago when I finally quit. Before that, I had played EQ from 2000 to 2004, I had quit not long after Omens of War launched.

I had only a 69 Bard named Tloulas Windsong that we had just started raiding Plane of Time and some other areas too.

So far on here I have a 11 Wood Elf Bard named...you guessed it, Tloulas. And also a 23 Monk named Wilk. I like the bard, but I forgot that when I played Live, I was luckily Powerleveled up to low 50's, so I never really learned how to solo, barring swarm kiting.

I'm really liking the Monk a lot and I see myself getting him up there in levels.

I've met a few cool people so far and I really like the general atmosphere here. I definitely look forward to talking and hanging out with more of you :)
Hey man, I've seen your monk hanging out in South Newport skilling up FD.... I play Azarey, a High Elf Cleric. I also have a 65 monk myself, so if you need any tips just hit me up on Azarey, or pm me here.

Welcome to SoD!
Ahh yep! i've been sending you bear pelts :) FD is capped. I'm glad I invested those 3 hours when I got it to cap it :)

Thanks and see you around!
Anytime man, thank you as well, hit me up if i'm around in the same zone as you and I'll cleric buff ya man.
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