Hey there


Dalayan Beginner
New player, but I have a very long history of playing EQ1 and 2.
I mostly have a question about the MoP. How do you do anything in there? My highest character is only a lvl 7 Vah BST but I really wanted to go to a zone that I am more familiar with. (I dont even know were the MoP zone is for the Tipt area.) Anyways, on my Half Elf bard I pretty much die as soon as I move around in MoP. Also now she has the portal contagion. This place is very confusing to me, but I am excited to learn.

Also how viable is a Bst/Wiz 2box? Or would I be better off with a Bst/Clr or Bst/Dru?

Thanks for your time.
You can watch a video showing a successful MoP navigation here. Just keep in mind that the first guy has a large aggro radius and the ones past him have very small aggro radii.

There isn't a portal to Tarhyl Crags... the Vah like being remote (like the Barbarians and Iksars and Trolls in Halas and Grobb).

Bst/Wiz is viable, but whether you're looking for "viable" or "really powerful" is a better question to ask. Duoing is inferior to grouping, anyway.

Welcome to SoD, and keep an open mind!
There is a zone connection map here on the Wiki
tipt > south wastes> stingers bog > oggok > mop or
tipt > south wastes > sundered mtns > sadri > mop

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