
Dalayan Beginner
Been tooling around EQEMU lately and just heard about SOD. Thought I'd pop over and try it out. I played a warrior in EQ on Terris Thule for years, but haven't found any game thats kept my attention in the last few.

So I'll be starting up a character and trying out SOD. Not sure on my name yet since takatok got rejected.. Not sure if someone else has it or its somehow against the naming policy.

A belated welcome to the server. I hope by now that you have read the rules, including the naming policy. The staff here is really great, but they are sticklers for their rules. And the rules have a reason, even if we all don't necessarily agree with each one of them.

If you have not found the wiki yet, go there now and bookmark it. It will be your best adviser in the game.

Takatok sounds familiar...? I was Xenyia (65 rogue). There are several people from Terris here!
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