Hey, I think Ill try this out! ^.^


Dalayan Beginner

Im new to SoD =)

But one sad thing happened while I was starting to play... I made my Account name for this game Siadeer, because its a name I use for many things. When I first tried to make a character I tried Siadeer. Didnt work. Then I tried Siadaer. Didnt work. Sooo I came to the website and checked the fomelo thing. And it turns out someone is already using Siadeer and Siadaer which are names I had in EQlive and I use for many many things.

I guess I will just need to make a new name >.<

*I think I have a stalker* o_O

I did make the account name Siadeer before I looked to see if someone was using the name. I hope I dont get anyone too confused....

Since someone is using this name for a character in game should I change my account name?

Ah well Ill go think of a new name and once I make one ill start playing this! ^.^
Welcome to SoD :) And don't worry about changing your account name or anything, that only matters as far as logging in.
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