hey guys


Dalayan Beginner
hey guys, just started playing on this server today and wanted to introduce myself.
I played EQ from a little after release through parts of Luclin, then played WoW for a year and now waiting for Vanguard to be released.
currently have a cleric named Clergy.
That 'name' will get nerfed, sorry, but Welcome to SoD :)

Character Naming Policy

   1. Titles
      No titles. You can't be "Lordgrey" or "Jackthegreat". Sorry.

   2. Stupid or Well-Known Names
      No names from well-known, popular media. You can't be Aragorn, Gandalf or Garfield. Also, excusing it with that you spelled it Ganddalf or Garrfield will earn you a ban for sheer stupidity. On that note, no unrealistic or completely idiotic names either. "Rogue" or "Iksar" are not acceptable names.

   3. Wordplays and Wordmeshes
      No wordplays. "Froak Frog" is not an acceptable name, nor is Frog or Froak by itself, but those go under idiotic names anyway. In the same avenue, no combine-word names. You can't be Rockjumper or Swordswinger or Deathdancer. These are acceptable last names, but not acceptable first names.

   4. The Linguistic Lambada
      Cleverly bypassing the naming policy by using a different language will not win you any sympathy points. We will still change your name when we find out.

   5. Kooky Combinations
      If you are dual clienting a pair of characters with an obvious name combo/word play (for example Louise and Thelma) they will be changed even if the individual names do not violate policy.

   6. Even Then!
      That "you used this name on live" does not mean it magically bypasses the policy. We will not tolerate this excuse. Use the rules here, not the non-existant name rules on EQlive.

   7. Don't Argue
      If a staff member tells you that you need to change your name, please don't argue it. And by "please don't" we mean
      If you think you have a legitimate complaint about getting a name nerfed, PM/Email it to an administrator.
Welcome =)

I've heard some about that game, but I kinda lost lots of interested in other games once I started SoD and found the kind of feeling and game play that Live lost when they grew to fast. I hope you'll find the same here, and stick around.
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