hey guys!


Dalayan Beginner
Hey guys whats up im new to this and i used to play EQ back in the day i love what you guys are doing here and im looking forward to playing! The only problem is i have titanium and i put it on the computer then got the SoD patch but it isnt a zip file it was just a regular file and i downloaded it and it works and i use the actual exe patch each time but i dont think its installed right because im getting alot of glitching no lag just heavy glitching i dont really know how to fix this. i can map out my steps if you need me to i just really would love to play! sorry if i posted this in the wrong thread lol
Is it just graphical glitching? It's known as the Nvidia bug if so. Things have random giant wedges of black and colors and stuff flying from them, but only in first person. I believe there is a fix listed in the Tech Support section.

Otherwise I'd suggest installing whatever the setup guide suggests, even if it means spending 10$ on ebay buying the correct set of discs.
i have titanium. and no its more like my charcter and other NPCs like morph and get bigger and stuff its really creepy lol
I never had a problem with it myself, but did you set the affinity to 1 processor through the patcher?
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