Dalayan Beginner
Hey everybody. I'm 26 years old, and I haven't played EQ since I was about 15, 16? My Xbox recently RROD'd, and although my wife's told me she plans to buy me a new one for Christmas, I needed something to occupy my time until then, so somehow I found my to Shards of Dalaya. I was a little hesitant to come back to EQ after so long (and although I'm not doing WoW anymore, I was a little worried that it would ruin Everquest for me), but I've got to say that I'm pretty impressed.
I never capped out when I was younger. I think my highest character was a 40ish Iksar Shadowknight. I don't think we were on an RP server, but I was heavily involved in an Iksar-only RP guild called The Faceless. I haven't seen much RP on Shards of Dalaya yet, and that's okay, but is there an RP community out there that I just haven't seen yet? I know the lore of SD is quite different to the lore of Everquest proper, so I'll need some time to sort of delve into it.
I logged in this morning, and I encountered some strange bugs: my character started moving really erratically -- normal speed for a while, then super fast; or I'd be talking to a vendor, and they'd start turning upside down, then shrinking down small or growing so large it's the only thing I can see on my screen; when I went outside of Grobb to do a bit more questing, a lot of the mob models kept going crazy, and I had trouble even tracking them on my screen. So I logged out.
Is this a common problem? Will it go away in a bit? Or is it potentially just a problem on my end? It's no big deal to me either way, just curious.
I made an Iksar shaman, and was a little surprised that I didn't start in Cab, but I've heard that Kunark isn't actually finished yet, so that's no biggie. I know my way around Grobb well enough, or at least I feel like I do. At any rate, my character's name is Sivaal, so if anyone's in the area and wants to group up or talk or anything, just let me know.
Glad to see there's still an EQ community out there kicking after all this time.
Let me know what I can do to help.
I never capped out when I was younger. I think my highest character was a 40ish Iksar Shadowknight. I don't think we were on an RP server, but I was heavily involved in an Iksar-only RP guild called The Faceless. I haven't seen much RP on Shards of Dalaya yet, and that's okay, but is there an RP community out there that I just haven't seen yet? I know the lore of SD is quite different to the lore of Everquest proper, so I'll need some time to sort of delve into it.
I logged in this morning, and I encountered some strange bugs: my character started moving really erratically -- normal speed for a while, then super fast; or I'd be talking to a vendor, and they'd start turning upside down, then shrinking down small or growing so large it's the only thing I can see on my screen; when I went outside of Grobb to do a bit more questing, a lot of the mob models kept going crazy, and I had trouble even tracking them on my screen. So I logged out.
Is this a common problem? Will it go away in a bit? Or is it potentially just a problem on my end? It's no big deal to me either way, just curious.
I made an Iksar shaman, and was a little surprised that I didn't start in Cab, but I've heard that Kunark isn't actually finished yet, so that's no biggie. I know my way around Grobb well enough, or at least I feel like I do. At any rate, my character's name is Sivaal, so if anyone's in the area and wants to group up or talk or anything, just let me know.
Glad to see there's still an EQ community out there kicking after all this time.
Let me know what I can do to help.