
Dalayan Beginner
Hey guys, my name is Catastrophe new gnome wizard to this server.. I have been a long time member of the forums for a long time reading and wishing I could play!!! Real life and computer problems made it take over a year for me to actually be able to play.

I've been scanning through the forums and saw it's a good idea to box a toon for when you can't find a group.. Well I was wondering if people had suggestions on what boxes well with a wizard.. And also, it's pretty tough killing anything, I seem to be doing a lot of waiting for res sickness to wear off. Any tips on easier ways to kill things would be greatly appreciated =)

Just wanted to stop in and introduce myself, and let it be known to the devs that so far this comes as new and exciting and very well put together.. Cept you made it too easy for me to get killed lol =).

Happy Hunting

Glad you are finally playing! Maybe you should box a tank or healer with your wizard? I'm not sure, I know mage/healer works but they have a pet to tank for them. Are you dieing because things are resisting your spells a lot? If they are, did you put any starting points into CHA or are you putting any specialize points into focus/mind?
Yeah I read about the CHA thing.. I'm just having a tough time.. wizzy's dont make great tanks lol.. But still having a blast even when i'm dieing.. make me think of the early stages of the original.

I'm sure things will get easier once I get ahold of some gear
Im guessing Fomelo is off, it says you've only died once! Yeah, level two is far too early to tell anything about any class. And you are mostly naked anyway hehe! Stick to darkblue cons so you dont get eaten!
Welcome to the server!
Maybe a Monk or Beastlord with your Wizard.
Good luck keeping the name Catastrophe though, probably a name nerf in your future.
Im guessing Fomelo is off, it says you've only died once! Yeah, level two is far too early to tell anything about any class. And you are mostly naked anyway hehe! Stick to darkblue cons so you dont get eaten!

Nah it's not off, I recreated my wizard cause I didn't read the charisma thing until after everything =(
Ah ok, that explain is then! Was scratching my head here, haha. Best of luck with your wizard!
Early levels, your bare fists are actually pretty powerful. Dont rely on your casting to finish off the guys. Give them the old sucker punch for the KO
Early levels, your bare fists are actually pretty powerful. Dont rely on your casting to finish off the guys. Give them the old sucker punch for the KO

Thanks for the tip man.. =)... I'm anxious to log on again.. I should be able to keep chipping away in the next 15 minutes or so !!!!
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