Hey Gang!


Dalayan Beginner
A friend and I were just talking on Trillian about the good ol' days of EQ and got on the topic of EQ Emulators. After a little Google work I came across the Shards of Dalaya. Sounds very promising. I'm looking forward to getting home from work so I can dig up my old EQ disks and see if I can get this puppy working. Hope to see you all soon!! :)
Well, even if you can get your disks, you can always download the EQclassic game file from "the company". Hope to see you in game soon!
Drogula said:
you can always download the EQclassic game file from "the company".

No. You can't. The downloaded/trial version will not work with SoD. You have to have an active live account or the game discs up to an including Gates of Discord, as per our starting guide which is linked via the main page.

ps: Welcome to SoD. :)
welcome to SOD

read up all you can, because this is not same as LIVE, but it is fun learning a new game that is for sure.
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