Hey Everybody


Dalayan Beginner
Im a new player in this game and i have played some other online games like WoW, Lineage 2 and Final Fantasy 11 and this is my 4th MMO :)

I would like to have a nice time playing EQ SOD

And to finish im Spanish. :D
Wizzbang said:
Im a new player in this game and i have played some other online games like WoW, Lineage 2 and Final Fantasy 11 and this is my 4th MMO :)

I would like to have a nice time playing the Game SOD

And to finish im Spanish. :D

I suspect there will be some confusion - don't be surprised if people think your surname is Dustyboots. "Whizbang Dustyboots" was a prominent player in the Game for a while. Different spelling, though. Welcome to SoD!
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