Hey all! New here but not to EQ!


Dalayan Beginner
Just wanted to make an introduction. I'm just waiting on my EQ Anniversary Ed. to arrive (couple of days).

I played EQ on the Saryrn server from vanilla launch to GoD (mostly Magician and some Bard) and I quit shortly thereafter. Now, I have played EQMac a bit, but, I'm just really looking for something entirely new and I hear this is the place to do it! So, I look forward to playing with this phenomenal community and playerbase. I'll try to drag my brother in. He's an old EQ vet too.

Also, I moronically misspelled my forum name...is there any way to get that changed?
I also played on Saryrn. My toon was named Gargameil and I played from launch until PoP. I'm just getting started in SoD tonight.
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