

Dalayan Beginner
Hello SoD Community,

I need help..... I was messing with some of my configs and such and my eqgame.exe disappeared. For some reason I cannot do a System Restore either so anyone know how I can get a new eqgame.exe since the old one will not come back.
I would check the deleted files in your recycle bin.
If nothing there, throw in disks and explore (right click, explore) and just copy the eqgame.exe from the disk (or .iso if that is your preference) to your SoD folder. Should be fine.

WORST case scenario, just save your UI_Characterfiles and Characterfiles.ini and reinstall the whole thing. Will save your UIs and hotkeys.
It's a shame, but if you have the space I would take your SoD folder and just copy it completely. Make sure it works and nothing is wrong with us. Put the copy somewhere like an external drive so in case something ever happens you have your backup readily available.

Sorry you hear about your bad luck though, luckily it is free to download now and only takes a few hours. Fire it up before bed and it should be good in the morning!
It's a shame, but if you have the space I would take your SoD folder and just copy it completely. Make sure it works and nothing is wrong with us. Put the copy somewhere like an external drive so in case something ever happens you have your backup readily available.

Yes do this. I have the Anniversary Edition that I bought back in 2007 to play this game and accidentally got the CD version instead of the DVD version, so it has 8 CDs which is quite miserable to deal with when you have to reinstall. Suffice to say, I ripped all 8 of my CDs a couple years ago and keep the spare copy of the folder lying around for such occasions.
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