Help with some quests


Dalayan Adventurer
Heyo, I've been wanting to do these quests anywhere from 1-6 years so I thought I'd make a post asking for some help.

I need help with the following Quests:

Daymare into Night
East Plaguelands, several high level mobs spawn for this, you have to protect an NPC as well.

Kaezulian Incursion
You have to kill Captain Slithir in Hate's Fury, The Scorned Maiden, not sure what all else is involved.

Holding the Line
A War event in Eastern Wastes you must win it for the giants. Wingsquadron Raiders start attacking in waves. Be careful, they move at bard speed.

Wave 1 - 3x Wingsquadron Raider

Wave 2 - 4x drakes + named

Wave 3 - 6x drakes + named
Wave 4 - 10x drakes + named[/url]

Any help with these would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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send me (oozu) a tell this weekend if im not busy i'd be more than willing to help you with all of thsoe quests except Kaezulian Incursion.
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