Help with Linux installation


Dalayan Beginner
I have been trying to get SoD to run under Ubuntu 10.04 and wine 1.2 for the last two weeks.... It patches and then crashes. Please help ... I don't want to reload windoze.

[email protected]
You probably want to install winetricks and make sure that dotnet11 is installed in Wine (Look into it some too! It can also install core fonts, Direct X and a lot of other useful things for running games with wine in Ubuntu 10.04!)
Thanks for the info... I did the winetricks to install dotnet20 I will try the dotnet11 and see what that does...

I was reading on different boards not to install DirectX in wine due to performances issues...

Again thanks for the info ... hope to be online soon.
Try posting;

export LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/usr/lib32/dri

into a shell then run the client.

Also, make sure use EQW is unchecked in the startup box on the client.
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Thanks for the help its running now with minor issues.... helps to read instructions and patch up to GoD on live. (DOH)
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Open a terminal and cd to the directory eqgame.exe is in and run

taskset -c 0 wine eqgame.exe patchme

or just run it with the path to the executable and post the init output.

Post the output of

lsmod | grep nvidia

Sigh, take a look at the everquest tweak posts at They might help with the minor issues.
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