help on general tome information


Dalayan Beginner
Hi, I recently bought a Codice of Power Vol 1 from Erimal. When I open it I can see that it says I need to be level 65 and have 250AA spent, which I do... yet it says I "do not meet the pre-requisites for learning from this codex"

Is 250AA not enough like the tome says? Do I need 300AA? and to use it do I just need to have the book open and move that window off the screen? or do I need to turn off AA exp? If I have AA exp at 100% and the book opened will I still get AA exp?

Hi, I recently bought a Codice of Power Vol 1 from Erimal. When I open it I can see that it says I need to be level 65 and have 250AA spent, which I do... yet it says I "do not meet the pre-requisites for learning from this codex"

Is 250AA not enough like the tome says? Do I need 300AA? and to use it do I just need to have the book open and move that window off the screen? or do I need to turn off AA exp? If I have AA exp at 100% and the book opened will I still get AA exp?


The tomes can be started at different AA #'s depending on class afaik. I was able to start tomes at 260 on my shaman, others have been above that. Some are under
Tomes are a mysterious thing, it is certainly not intentional that you have to go above 250 AA to use yours. It is just a bug that has yet to be worked out. Just keep grinding AA and after each one you get try opening the tome and see what happens.
Spend your AA's. Open the tome. Read what it says, then close it. You'll notice a message that says "This is now your active codex." If you re-open it, it'll say something like "You are already learning from this codex." Close the window with the description in it.

Turn all your xp back to what was normal level gain to fill your tome. If you have it partially between that and AA's, it'll split. If you turn it all to AA's, it'll just do your AA's and not your tome.

If you move the bag your tome is in, it will close the tome. You'll have to re-open it to have the xp go into it again. If you share your toon, tell them to make sure your tome is active when they log on it the first time, and if they move your bags around.

A good mod to get is the TSS player window. It shows you tome/aa progress on your HP bar, so you don't have to open your inventory to keep seeing where you're at. I like it because I prefer the default EQ interface. Most of the others give me a headache or look like crap.

The first 1% of a tome is the absolute worst. Especially when you're on your first tome. You're going to be wondering the entire time whether or not it's working right, and it's going to seem to take the equivalent of a 10aa grinding session to get it to move enough so you can be sure it's working. If you get paranoid, just open your codex again and see if it says you were already learning from it.

You will not gain any bonus until you complete 10% of each tome. At 30%, you get 1% bonus. At 50%, you get 2% bonus. At 70% you get 3% bonus. At 90% you get 4% bonus. At 100%, you get the full 5% bonus. These are just marker points, however. Every percent adds a set amount, and you can view this amount on fomelo.

When you finish a tome, it will stay at 100% until you remove the tome. It's a good idea to buy your next tome and carry it around with you when you get above 90% on the previous one. That way you're not flipping out and needing a port to Erimal in the middle of a great group or raid.

Good luck!
Also, if i may be so bold.

The fact that people need between 250 & 300 aa's to start working on tomes doesnt mean they also should ;)

Tomes were originally ment for those that had max aa's already and had nothing better to do with their xp anyway. If you are just over 250 aa's, as u stated, then by all means keep getting more aa's.

I dont know if you are in a guild already, but any guild that is thinking about (or already doing it) raiding at a serious level will want its members to get ANY and ALL usefull aa's before even looking at tomes. Max out your resists aa's, max out your appropriate stat aa's, even max out those aa's that you wouldnt primarily use... but that would still make nice additions.

When you got all that... then the time is ripe to open up that first tome. But, thats just my opinion :)
Yeah, 30 resists from 15 AAs is wayyyy better than the .375 dps boost youll get from the tome for that many AAs. AAs > Tome so long as you have any at all worth getting.
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