HELP! black screen


Dalayan Beginner
ok listen i had like 3 problems fixed em all i got excited thought i am able to play created ma char everythin i clicked enter world ok everythin goin good that eq screen that suppose to come up after pressin enter world came up then u know how that black screen comes up for like 5 secs then enters world yea well the black screen wont go it just stays frozen and i am able to still hear the music

someone PLZZ help ME ;( [/b]
there is an addition fix you must install if you have patched up completely to Omens of War. I had the exact same problem and it solved my issues instantly. For the life i me i cannot find the link. :mad: if i find it i will reply again but hopefully someone else will jump in and help me out long before that.
if the hot fix now includes the changes to the 'help' directory then yes that will help you. i followed the guide when i set up and still had same issue as you until i got the changed help files.
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